June 4, 2016

Hey loves! I truly believe in appealing to the senses when creating beauty, harmony and relaxation in every part of my home. Here are a few of the tips I use when fashioning the ultimate bedroom retreat.


Sight– Lighting is a key element in creating a luxurious space. Recessed lighting is a great but nothing beats the feeling of serenity evoked by candlelight. Not to mention, its soft glow makes everything look gorgeous! Try placing them in various areas of the room.


Smell-I absolutely love soft feminine fragrances. The smell of rose, lavender, vanilla and jasmine instantly give me a feeling of grace and sophistication. Enliven your room, bed linen and drawers with sprays infused with these essential oils. Fresh flowers are also a plus.


Touch-My favorite part of creating the ultimate bedroom retreat has to be the décor……but not just any décor. The texture has to be plush and feel great to the touch. Your sanctuary should have posh flooring, sumptuous sheets and opulent furniture.


Sound-What comes to your mind when you think of the type of sounds you would like to have flowing through your bedroom retreat? This may vary depending on the type of day you’ve had. My personal opinion……listen to whatever makes you feel good!


Taste-It may sound unusual to incorporate this particular sense into the bedroom; but if you’re anything like me you have a favorite chair or a cozy spot on the floor reserved for unwinding with a nice glass of wine or a soothing cup of tea! 


Glamorously yours,
