May 7, 2016


Hey loves! Over the past few weeks, I’ve received quite a few requests for assistance with coming up with a title or theme for an event. Although the events were totally different, they all had one thing in common……….the desire for something unique that would totally wow their guests.

I’m sure they aren’t the only ones having this problem, so I thought I’d share a few of the tips I use when coming up with an amazing theme!


1. Know your audience! Taking into consideration the nature of the occasion, demographics and lifestyle of the guests will make a huge difference. When guests receive an invitation, the title or theme is what creates the excitement about attending.


2 .The saying goes “there’s nothing new under the sun”. While that may be true, I believe there is always a way to make an old idea a little spicier. For instance, instead of the traditional Mardi Gras theme, why not go with something like “A Bourbon Street Soiree”. Most of your guests will realize that the event has something to do with the Mardi Gras, however the title offers a more sophisticated spin on the festivities.


3. Your guests want to be involved! Having an amazing theme is no fun if the guests aren’t asked to do anything. Whether it’s wearing a mask, or asking them to bring a donation in support of worthy cause, requiring them to participate makes them feel more welcomed.


Glamorously yours,
