August 31, 2016

Hey loves! Once you have decided on a style and have selected your venue for your summer soiree, it’s now time to invite your guests! Here are a few options to consider……


  1. Phone Calls-Who doesn’t love the special feeling of receiving a personal invite! If you have decided on something more intimate for your soiree, taking the time out to call your guests will make them feel welcome well before the event.


  1. E-vites-If time is of the essence an E-vite is the perfect way to go! has so many great options that can be customized to fit any style or theme you can think of!  Your guests will love receiving a fun surprise in their email inbox!


  1. Formal Invitation- If you have decided to host something a little more extravagant with all the bells and whistles; you may opt to mail out a formal invitation. This is your chance to get more creative by selecting something that totally fits the style of the soiree.

No matter which option you choose; be sure to let your guests know how they should dress for the occasion and maybe a few clues as to what to expect. Also, be clear as to whether this is an adult only or family friendly affair. More importantly, make sure you share just enough information to get them excited about what’s to come!


Glamorously yours,
